Tuesday, June 1, 2010

White-breasted Waterhen / Burung Ruak-Ruak

Burung Ruak-Ruak (wak wak) / White-breasted Waterhen

moment before.............

cute isnt it?

this morning was shocking. to all of us. especially.

as you all can see in the above, its a bird...hahaha...we all were shock....thanks to our warrior, Putih, the not so putih cat...hahahah

this morning she shocked us with her latest catch of the day...a bird! a big one!....thats out of ordinary!....Putih, she is synonym to catching anything that fascinates her...usually, she just catch a lizard...but not today..hahahah

the bird was still alive when she bought home....but already weak...well, she a cat...no mercy! ...hahaha...

i try not to let any other cats come near to the bird, but they cant just stand of it...hahaha...Tam, was already bitten the bird's wing while i was cooking...hahaha...the bird was in cage...didnt saw that coming..hahah

the bird did died at the end. no pity. he/she already dying. i'm glad to be by he/she side..hehehe

~~(Tam did end up eating the bird)~~

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