My 2nd holiday game. hahah..I was amaze by this game. I finally get the chance of becoming an assassin. haha..if fun killing people in a way of secret. haha...this game bring us back to the old ages. You will control Altair. He is one of the assassin. In this game, the theory is, each one of us has the DNA of our ancestor. Altair is the ancestor to Desmond. Desmond is the actual character that we control in this game. By using Animus, scientist can access Desmond memory and search for his ancestor memory.
Well...something seems not right. Logically, Altair is muslim..but Desmond is christian. how could that be? seems the story is not right. However, in Assassins Creed II the story seems to be logic because now we will be playing Enzio. An assassins in the Roman Age.
Sadly for me....I could not play assassins creed II. huhuh...there seems to be problem with cracking the game. Hishhh...what a troublesome!
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