if im not mistaken, there is hadith saying that in Ramadhan month Allah will granted all of our prayer...(doa)...
well, at first i did not take this seriously...but after 2 event occur to me, i truly believe it....
1st event:: it was Wednesday, and i drove Hilux to go for my class early in the morning...the class is only 8-10 am...and the next class is at 2-4 pm...a have a gap about 4 hours...so, i decide to bring my friends out to the town for a while...we went to OneJaya mall...which is still new shopping complex...and there was only a few shops....
at about 12++ pm...it was time for us head back to campus...while sending my friends to their hostel, i came out with a thought of,
what are the chances of accident occur in the Uitm..with the speed limit of 30km in the campus...
there was nothing strange after i thought about that statement...but, after we finished our class i was going to take my girlfriend to KFC..she wanted to buy food for sungkey ...and the moment we enter back into the campus, there was accident happened..it was in the middle of 4 junction..not far away from the main gate..
the myvi bumper was badly crush...haha...<--it's his fault if im not mistaken...
2nd event:: i was sungkey with my girlfriend the Thursday evening...while we were talking, i asked her what if there is time i did not wish her good night...what will be happened to her?
well, so far as i concerned...this is just my saying..
umm...i did happened...last night...i was waiting for her to get ready for bed...and during that moment i was already in bed, covered with blanket...i remembered the last text i reply...but i cant remember wishing her back... truth is, i fall to sleep..without my knowing...huhuh...
and when i woke up in the middle of the night, there was her wishing text, asking me whether i get her text and she sulking at me for fallen to sleep without wishing her back text...
the moment i woke up, and was reading all that texts, i fell so guilty to her..quickly, i text her back...eventhough she is still sleeping...i know its seems pointless to text someone who is still sleeping but, for me....i rather text at that moment so that she knows that i really concerned with her...and this, i hope will prove that im not lying when i say i love her so much...
(im still waiting for her to wake up, and reply my text...)
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