Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just Say Yes

Snow Petrol - Just Say Yes

i like this song...
my promise is,
i would sing this song,
to my beloved wife
on the day that
i get married,
or before...
hoping everything
will run smoothly if
i sing this song..
(cross finger)

worst week

wow...just experienced my worst week in my life...
everything was so and there..
especially my love life...
i just had a fight with her...on the Wednesday....
it was bad...for me, it mas my fault...
i hate to blame it on her..
its not what i do in love...
the reason we fight?
well...let just say that is all
about not ready to be far away from each other...
if she had told me earlier maybe i will understand better..
im not really feeling myself this week...
trying to be happy,
there just something that i consider
making my mood swing

another thing that really upset me,
other people seems to take different
when i get close to someone..
i dont want to really to talk about it...
let it just be,
my bad memory...
hopefully i can ignore it...

(dont tell me the truth).

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Coconut jelly! jellicious~~hahaha

cant remember its name..but, donut's shape+gula apong=sedappp!

Something new...Roti John Cheese (Ayam) :: still RM3.00

Twist emart is the best! simply delicious~perfetto'~

kuih bongkol (sedap tok~) :: Wheat flour + gula apong

Pergedel (kentang) :: xbrpa glak..huhuh..less salt..


this movie is not talking about garam (salt)..hhaha..
its actually action-thriller about russian spy...
im not going to talk about the synopsis...for sure you can get it in wiki or something...
this story will twist your mind a bit...wondering who should you trust
well, for in coz of the action genre...hahha
for sure, this movie is interesting..

Saturday, August 21, 2010


aaa~~~ going to eat takoyaki with mashed potato...aaaa~~~

my new Logo

my new logo! this one is originally hand drawn

edited in photoshop...i still think my hand drawn is much better


if im not mistaken, there is hadith saying that in Ramadhan month Allah will granted all of our prayer...(doa)...
well, at first i did not take this seriously...but after 2 event occur to me, i truly believe it....

1st event:: it was Wednesday, and i drove Hilux to go for my class early in the morning...the class is only 8-10 am...and the next class is at 2-4 pm...a have a gap about 4, i decide to bring my friends out to the town for a while...we went to OneJaya mall...which is still new shopping complex...and there was only a few shops....
at about 12++ was time for us head back to campus...while sending my friends to their hostel, i came out with a thought of,
what are the chances of accident occur in the Uitm..with the speed limit of 30km in the campus...
there was nothing strange after i thought about that statement...but, after we finished our class i was going to take my girlfriend to KFC..she wanted to buy food for sungkey ...and the moment we enter back into the campus, there was accident was in the middle of 4 junction..not far away from the main gate..
the myvi bumper was badly crush...haha...<--it's his fault if im not mistaken...

2nd event:: i was sungkey with my girlfriend the Thursday evening...while we were talking, i asked her what if there is time i did not wish her good night...what will be happened to her?
well, so far as i concerned...this is just my saying..
umm...i did happened...last night...i was waiting for her to get ready for bed...and during that moment i was already in bed, covered with blanket...i remembered the last text i reply...but i cant remember wishing her back... truth is, i fall to sleep..without my knowing...huhuh...
and when i woke up in the middle of the night, there was her wishing text, asking me whether i get her text and she sulking at me for fallen to sleep without wishing her back text...
the moment i woke up, and was reading all that texts, i fell so guilty to her..quickly, i text her back...eventhough she is still sleeping...i know its seems pointless to text someone who is still sleeping but, for me....i rather text at that moment so that she knows that i really concerned with her...and this, i hope will prove that im not lying when i say i love her so much...

(im still waiting for her to wake up, and reply my text...)
0852, GMT+0800, Kuala Lumpur

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sungkey sowg~

milo, more than 500ml

fried rice added Chinese rice powder

cheese omelet

wedges and some hot dogs

mayonnaise with ketchup

this is what i sungkey today....huhhu..alone..this week i was assign to be a home parents are in kl, sending my sister back to US..
i will be missing her though..i will miss teasing her...hahhaa

sunday, monday, tuesday i will be all alone in home...but, they will be back on tuesday night..
along with some things i order..from kl..hahah

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Sezairi Sezali - Broken

i heard this song a while ago..but never intended to download it...yesterday, after listening it again on MTV, i like this song....something differ in it..

i dont really know what the song is all about...but, i have a feeling that its theme is a sad one...maybe thats why i dont want to really catch the meaning....

the music video is cool..especially, when the use a lot of light bulb..look so romantic...

:: Sezairi Sezali is winner of Singapore idol...p/s he kinda look like Mr.Danny Wilson (my calculus lecture..hahahha) ::

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A.M | P.M

huhuhuh...i had to buy a new watch because my last watch was broken...even though i can just fix it, but i dont want to..hahha...better get a new one..a cheap one...hahha
well, i didnt turn out that way....this new watch, cost me alot than i expected..huhuh
i saw a nice one at hopoh...but didnt buy it...(wish i would!) was all white...which what i want on my watch....hahaha

my strategy for this watch was to just get a cheaper one...dont want to spend so much money on watch...until i find a prefect one that i want to expensively buy...hahha
this watch (in photo) actually, cost me at about the same price as the one i found in hopoh earlier..huhuhu..
sucks!.....i spend to much...i totally not good at buying watch....huhu...the watch is not originally in white...i had to buy a new starp..because i want it in white...hahah.

because of the new strap, that what makes the price is pretty much the same with the one i found in hopoh...huhuh....damn!...

the new strap is made of leather....i want the rubber one, but the is none that can fit the watch...
(at that time)...

Oreo Cheese Cake

Oreo! hahaha....this cake was made like a few weeks ago...but, i forgot to blog about it...hahaha..i purposely left my camera at home...hahah

The biggest oreo is actually a container made by the oreo..hahha

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Night Onwards


after me and my crews (hahaha) finish racing, we encounter a cute boy who love attention..hahhaha...cannot expain, watch the photo below:

this boy sure love, well pose in front of camera..hahhaa...i feel like taking photo of kiki lala model..hahhahaa

after racing go-kart, we headed to Padawan's Food Fair...hahha..there was a lot of food...sadly, most of them are Chinese's food and a few is malay...huhuhuh....

wishing well

durian puff

octopus ball

cat like red bean bun

"citarasa tersembunyi..."

Night Onwards


yesterday night was an unexpected started when i and my sister going out...i, was going to buy a new watch, and she wanted to cut her about, 5pm++ my older sister call my 2nd sister, asking where is she, and what time is she will be at home...

well, this question was ask because, my older sister wanted to go for a go-kart ride..hahaha...friday, is ladies night. charge only RM10, + 0.50 for shower cap (i explain later)..hahah

shower cap is alternative to balaclava
this is cheap...RM10 for ladies? hahhaa.....regular price will be Rm26 per person..hahha..there was 6 of us, and i was the only i had to pay the 26..huhuhuh...luckily, my older sister paid the 16 ringgit and i only need to add the 10..hahhaha

one thing i hate at the go-kart track was, the receptionist was sucks! put it in this way, as my friends would say, "muka xberik-berik jak"...hahha..she should not be a receptionist! she is not customer friendly, and kinda rude in a way...huh! thank god, i in this for go kart...

this go-kart is for display only...hahha..

my 2nd sister (sakai)..hahhaa

after paid the ticket, we have to wait...because, the are still people racing in the track...i dont remember what time did i arrive at the track, but i clearly remember what time did i start to about 9.21++ pm..hahhah

in the pit lane, i took the third kart with my older sister and my 2nd sister in front...hahaha....i dont want to take the first one, coz i dont want to show off my driving skill...hhahaha..

well, i only keep my skill for the first round...the rest, i let it all out..hhaha....for 15 mins, a manage to go for 9 round! hahhaha...and i was the only one! hahahha...

2nd round i already start to over take both of my sister and catch my sister which she was the last one to go out from pit...hahhaha

i remember overtaking everybody, including my both older sister...again...hahhaa....i just being i should..hahha

my result, Kart 03

0 | 1:07.540
1 | 54.130
2 | 1:10.645
3 | 46.934
4 | 56.806
5 | 1:06.925
6 | 1:00.253
7 | 51.842
8 | 42.974
9 | 42.235

Absoluttime, 00:09:20.284

the excitement was good..but..cannot beat the excitement in real driving..hahha..(dont try this on the road) hahaha...